Sunday, February 12, 2012

Women in Action launch 2012 Save a Tamar support group

Trained trauma counsellors, some of whom are survivors of abuse themselves, welcomed visitors warmly to the first support group meeting organised by Women in Action (WiA) at the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in Johannesburg on 31 January 2012.
The support group is one of many initiatives in the on-going Save a Tamar campaign which highlights the prevalence of abuse, whether it is physical, emotional or sexual, and offers victims support, guidance and knowledge, empowering them to begin their journey from victim to survivor.
Mrs Marcia Pires, founder of WiA, opened the meeting by encouraging everyone to take the first step on the road to recovery. This involves making a personal choice to accept help and work through the healing process. She said: “Victims often lose sight of the choice they have.  They can choose to stay in the abusive situation or confront it and work towards changing their lives. During the acceptance and healing process, people overcome sadness, humiliation, hopelessness, pain and shame. They regain joy, start to value themselves as precious people and find meaning and purpose in their lives. Above all they learn that the abuse was not their fault - they are not to blame for what happened to them.”
One of the tragedies of abuse is that in most cases the abusers are known to the victim. They may be family members, people in authority at work or friends. The victim has no safe place. Many of the WiA counsellors have overcome abuse in their lives, so are able to empathise and relate to each person individually,
The group shares a word of encouragement, prayer and one-on-one counselling. In most cases, the journey starts with acceptance and sharing experiences, enabling people to take control of their lives. Nobody is pressured to participate before they are ready to do so. This is their space – time for them. WiA volunteers are there to support them every step of the way. If volunteers sense the need for professional help from psychologists, doctors or the legal system, they refer the person to the appropriate contact.
The story of Tamar is recorded in the Bible in 2 Samuel 13:20-29. Tamar, the daughter of King David was abused by her half- brother.  She felt condemned to a life as a “desolate woman”.  Marcia Pires shared a vision of hope from Isaiah 35:1-2: “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy”.
The group meets every alternate Tuesday at 5pm in the UCKG B 1 - Sunday School, in Eloff Street, Johannesburg. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 February. 
NB Communications
published by Bizcommunity


Busie said...

Mrs Marcia I’m so happy that we have our support group for people who have been abused. Normally we will send them at the Teddy bear clinic not guarantee if whether they are going there or not, but now that we will be directly with them…that’s great really. I remember last week Saturday 11th when Mrs Pinky was explaining to some women about this support group save a Tamar, one lady said like this….I wanted to run away when I heard about this topic I don’t want to hear/speak anything about it. But when I told her that she needs to heal and our support group will be there to help her. Much hope she had, cos she was dealing with people who are outsiders not even able to trust them. She even said now I will be able to speak language of my language with the same person of my same spirit.

I Thank God for this support group….

Fikiswa Ngqabishe said...

Mrs Marcia

There are many Tamar’s here in South Africa, in actual fact, in the entire world. It’s such a blessing to our people as they have a place where they can speak without feeling they are being judged. The word of encouragement Mrs Marcia that one receives there, it’s not a waste of time attending this meeting. God has used this meeting and is still using it to change many lives. I would encourage everyone to attend this meeting, those who are going through abuse or who have gone through abuse. This meeting is more like a spiritual hospital, where one has privacy, space and freedom of sharing what is happening or what has happened, without being worried about being judged as I mentioned earlier.
I thank God for this meeting,
Warmest Regards


dorah said...

Im really happy with the work i pray to god that it spreads around south África ít is good that women around the world find support in the church.thañk you

jamaican in the faith said...

It is strange I came upon reading. When o read v woman the book. The story of Tamar touched me God bless this group and their of helping to heal bruised souls.
Racqul Clarke
Jamaica branch
Queens NY

Elsie Tsosane said...

Save a Tarmar support group is a true blessing,especially to those who have been victims of abuse for a very long time and suffering in silence.The support group will surely help them heal and overcome all the pain and shame they have gone through.Thank you Mrs Marcia for sharing this post with us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Marcia

Thank you for sharing this post and i believe that this campaign will surely break the ice in the lives of many who have been victims of abuse. I thank God for the inspiration that the Holy Spirit is giving you, you are truly a blessing.

Louisa (PTA)