Saturday, September 5, 2009

The right decision

I have learnt this week a new expression and came to realize later on how much it is “in fashion” to be a born worrier. And you know what? Christians confess out and aloud that they live to worry and worry about living!

We all are confronted by problems, difficult situations, dead ends in life, being torn in between two sides be in relation to family or friends or co-workers disputes, whatever; but some go to the point of falling sick, in depression, without eating or rather turning compulsive eaters for the sake of worries and anxiety.

And if you have been living as such, you may not have realized that this is a sin because you are automatically saying that our God is not strong enough, powerful enough, wise enough to take you out of that situation; so you need to wear out in search for a solution.

When we behave like that, we are voiding our prayers, our purpose of faith, because we pray giving to God such and such situation, such and such person, such and such cause but immediately we take back and born worry about it!

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Matt 6:27)

I am not expecting that you are going to take lightly every problem that comes on the way, that you will be laughing in contempt whilst confronted by a serious medical report, whilst crossing a delicate season in your marriage, whilst trying to rescue your children out of drugs but without the Lord’s help, we cannot change a single inch in our life.

So, I have an unusual proposal to set before you: this coming 13th of September, how about making the most important decision in your spiritual life: stop worrying and really, indeed, wholeheartedly surrender your struggles to God.

Are you ready to make this Decision?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ola dna marcia sou do Brasil e em Campinas obr e GOSTARIA DE SABER SE O bispo Marcelo Pires eo mesmo que passou por aqui na epoca da Barão de Jaguara Genro fazer Péricles BP caso seja Gostaria se for possivel ele me enviar um email pq nos ficar iremo muito felizes meu e-mail