Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Making time!

This is a very curious expression. All of us are in a quest for time. We all have lots of responsibilities and tasks and challenges and commitments and plans and dreams for one single day and one common complaint: lack of time to grasp all we want, to reach for all we planned, to achieve all that was entrusted to us.

Is this the problem of our current age or struggling with time has been a common difficult to mortals throughout the centuries?

Either or, one fact is clear: I have not known one person who does not struggle with time or at least has not, in past, done so.

Talking to different women, from housewives to business entrepreneurs, I clearly noticed each individual struggles to cope with more responsibilities within a shorter time frame; to cope as a wife, mother, student, worker and as a woman all at once is beyond what someone physically can bear but the funny aspect of it is that some do, others don’t.

I am not going to discuss the why’s of that but somehow, no matter what you are doing, you do not have time for all that you need to! That is a fact!

And if there is something you need to sacrifice to cope with all your responsibilities, there will be two in the list that will be scrapped out quicker:

1) Time for yourself

2) Time for God

And do you know why? Because you do not need to sign the book either with yourself or with God.! Both are intimate relationships that do not demand legal, moral or emotional bounds.

You give to yourself if you want to and the same towards God. However, there is nothing more stressing or frustrating when you are able to accommodate everyone’s needs but yours. There is nothing more consuming than the need your inner self has to meet the Creator and to hold communion with Him.

So what to do ? Look back at the title – MAKE TIME. Every person who has been to a chaotic schedule and overcame it has this simple answer “I had to make time for what really mattered to me”.

Does your relationship with God matter to you? Make time for Him; early in the morning or in the mid of the day or maybe by the end of it. Once you search for His presence and direction, you will feel that you can handle more of your tasks. There is not explanation; it is one more of the mysteries of Christian Life

Try it!


veronica said...

Very strong Mrs Marcia ,I liked it! really we have to make time for every things, and also we can't never forget, the priority must be our God always.
May our God give you more strong inspirations.

Thank you

Divya said...

That has been on my mind for weeks. God is priority. We can chose to be either like Martha or Mary.

Adri Costa said...

When we really want and make it a priority in our lives there's nothing and no one who will stop us from making TIME! That's the truth! Thanks for sharing such inspiration Marcinha.

Anonymous said...

Very helpful and strong article Mrs Marcia.

Thank you.


Charlotte said...

Many times I have compalined of not having enough time in a day to accomplish all that I have set to do, and its so true that many times time for myself and time for God have be sacrificed because of lack of management of my time. But truly we make time for the things that are important for us. If our relationship with God is important we will by no means make time, after all He is above all things and we need His help on a daily basis.