Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WiA warns youth about Human Trafficking

Young people from Gauteng Region gathered at the Cenacle of the Holy Spirit in Johannesburg to attend a special meeting organised in partnership with Women in Action on Saturday 29th October.

The meeting aimed to create awareness of Human Trafficking among youth who, in many instances, are the most viable targets for traffickers. Boogie Dlamini, from the Women and Men Against Child Abuse and Kidz Clinic, addressed the youth on the dangers of social media, the pitfalls of not being self-aware and watchful, as well as ways in which young people can avoid becoming another human trafficking statistic.

She explained that Human Trafficking is organised crime and modern day slavery which involves friends, colleagues, government officials and even family members.

Stay alert • No matter who offers you a job – friend, family member, or employment agency – make sure the offer is real by contacting the employer.
• Make sure you sign a legal contract with terms that you agreed to and if possible seek legal advice by going to the Department of Labour.
• It is illegal for anyone to take your passport from you.
• If you travel, make sure to call your family regularly.
• When arriving in a country, go to the embassy where they can give you emergency numbers for assistance.

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