This event aimed once again to bring awareness to one of the hardest social injustices of all times: Human Trafficking.
And believe me, it is so real and so growing in our South Africa. We have raised donations to benefit Justice Acts, another organisation militating against human traffic in the mother city where sex tourism reaches unbelievable rates.
As for WiA, there is never a limit or a common sense in the back of our minds that we have done enough.
All efforts, all commitment, all work put together is just not enough to decrease the suffering in people’s life.
Hence, we are fully aware that by crossing our arms and doing nothing we are actually just contributing to increase the problem.
So we do our part by bringing awareness, raising funds, donating to honourable organisations, offering counselling and support to victims of abuse, ministering comfort to Cancer patients and being present in the life of many women who invites us in.

As much as I believe that knowledge is power and as much as I strive to share this knowledge with those around us, I also believe in the power of two simple words that enhance a great meaning:
For your support, for your prayers, for your sponsorship, for taking a stand against social injustices therefore showing you are a woman of value, you are virtuous.
Marcia Pires
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