One of the most difficult things in our churches today is to see people willing to share God’s blessings upon their life.
The common is just the opposite, one telling A and B about his problems, his failures, his worries without noticing that every person he confides with, about his troubled life, he is “pleasing” the devil’s work by confessing his doubts, weaknesses, despair, confusion before his problems.
Dear reader, your word has power either to bless and change your life or to bring more defeat upon yourself.
Today, I want to focus on the benefits of counting your blessings.
Every time you have good news to share with friends and family members, you are no less than glorifying God and showing that no matter what situation your listener may be going through, there is hope.
Some say that “marketing is the soul for success in business” and this is really true in all areas of life. When you are sharing your happiness, your well-being, your achievement, you are “promoting” the One who has blessed you with that.
If you invite someone to come to church, you can assuredly share of the miracles of the Bible but how much stronger it is when you can share about the miracles God has been doing in your life?
Unfortunately many do not think this way and when blessed they hide afraid of jealous, envy and so many other negative thoughts that do not match with the great power of the One who has blessed them.
And they are loosing the opportunity of being part of God’s plan to advance His kingdom today. The Book of Acts, in the Bible, contains 28 chapters, but have you wondered that you can add one more chapter to this treasure that is reporting the acts of your life and being a disciple for Jesus Christ?
“And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere–in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Now, my question to your dear reader, have you been Jesus’ witnesses lately in South Africa?
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